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The National Alliance of Home Visiting Models works in connection with other networks in the early home visiting field. Key partners and initiatives include:

The National Home Visiting Resource Center - The NHVRC provides comprehensive information about early childhood home visiting. Its goal is to support sound decisions in policy and practice to help children and families thrive. NHVRC produces the Home Visiting Yearbook, a comprehensive compilation of data about home visiting at the state and national level. NHVRC also maintains an online reference catalog of home visiting research and evaluation.

The Association for State and Tribal Home Visiting (ASTHVI) - ASTHVI is a member-driven association dedicated to supporting state, territory, and Tribal home visiting administrators in the effective implementation and improvement of home visiting programs.

The Home Visiting Applied Research Collaborative (HARC) - The HARC is a network of researchers in the home visiting field. In addition to the creation of a national research agenda for home visiting, HARC aims to advance the use of innovative methods and translation of findings into policy and practice.

The Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV-CoIIN) - The HV-CoIIN brings together and supports a group of MIECHV grantees and teams from local implementing agencies (LIAs) to seek improvement in topic areas that are of concern to home visiting and that are “ripe” for improvement.

The National Summit on Quality in Home Visiting  - The Summit is a three-day professional development conference for researchers, advocates, policymakers, and practitioners coming together in the joint pursuit of advancing the home visiting field.


The National Home Visiting Coalition - The Home Visiting Coalition is a diverse group of organizations committed to the well-being of children, working to promote continued federal support of home visiting to strengthen families in communities across the country.

The Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development and Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management - The Institute will build capacity of home visiting programs to expand, support and retain a diverse and highly qualified workforce. The Center will advance the use of effective strengths-based home visiting case management practices in home visiting. 

Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE) - HomVEE provides an assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for home visiting models that target families with pregnant women and children from birth to kindergarten entry.


Institute for the Advancement of Family Support Professionals - The Institute provides engaging, online modules and a personalized learning map feature to help Family Support Professionals (including home visiting staff) learn new skills and grow their careers.

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National Alliance
Home Visiting Models

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